a new strategy for securing the realmの例文
- Patrick J . Buchanan wrote that the 2003 invasion of Iraq had significant similarities to the 1996 neoconservative policy paper " A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm ".
- Along with Richard Perle and David Wurmser, he was a member of the study group which authored a controversial report entitled " A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm ", a set of policy recommendations for the newly elected Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
- The report, " A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm " made clear recommendations about steering Israel away from Socialist principles, making efforts to become more self-reliant, " nurturing alternatives to Palestinian society ", and working more closely with countries such as Jordan and Turkey.
- In 1996, Wurmser participated in a study that led to the report, " A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm ", a paper prepared for the Likud party leader and then incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and suggested a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on " Western values " and the abandonment of traditional " land for peace " negotiations with the Palestinians.